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Count Tomorrow Morning  明天早上數  It’s a night John is looking at the sky   這是一個晚上。約翰抬頭看著天空。  Tom is John’s younger brother He asks John “What are you
2016-05-25 13:02:40


“立威課”上玩的小把戲,有趣,有用……  他還尚未被調至學校任教,滿城便早已風花夜雨。有的人說,他是一個苛刻嚴厲的糟老頭子,喜歡用一些聞所未聞的方式來懲戒後排差生。也有人說,他是一個高大帥氣的男孩,畢業不久,性格溫善。當然,也有人說他是個中年已婚男子,不但頭發稀疏,眼角布滿魚尾紋,說話還吞吞吐吐,顯
2016-05-24 21:02:40


It’s a right John is looking at the sky 這是一個晚上。約翰抬頭看著天空。  Tom is John’s younger brother He asks John “What are you doing?”湯姆是約翰  的弟弟。他問約翰:“你在幹什麼?”
2016-05-23 22:02:40


Long ago, there was a big cat in the house He caught many mice while they were stealing food 從前,一所房子裏麵有一隻大貓,他抓住了很多偷東西的老鼠。  One day the mice had a mee
2016-05-23 13:02:40


But we thought she was dead, said the King What can we do ?國王說,“我們還以為她已經死了,我們現在能怎麼辦呢?”  The Queen was in tears The twelfth fairy stepped forward
2016-05-21 22:02:40


【成語來源】  persistence Constant dripping of water wears away the stone 滴水穿石  One day, Zhang Guaiya (the county magistrate) was patrolling the government
2016-05-20 18:02:40


很久很久以前,那年非常幹旱,森林裏的小河於涸了,泉水枯竭了,動物們找不到水喝,難受極了。  一天,小熊、小兔、小獅子等動物湊到一棵大樹下麵,商量如何找水喝。忽然,大樹開口了:“孩子們,你們在我的腳下挖一眼井,就有水喝了。”  “那麼,我們就趕快動手吧。”挖井開始了,其他動物聽到這消息後,都不約而同地
2016-05-20 04:02:40


卡夫卡曾寫過一則寓言《巷戰》,大意是這樣的:一群士兵圍住了一個城市,在巷子裏尋找敵人,突然看見一個長了翅膀的老人,原來那個城市的人都是有翅膀的。  老頭說:“我們大家都有翅膀,但它們對我們毫無用處,我們沒有人利用翅膀讓自己飛翔,更沒有人想著利用翅膀逃跑,要是能夠把它們扯下來,我們早就那麼幹了。”
2016-05-19 12:02:40


One day, a poor man is taking a bag of rice to a town The rice is on the back of his horse but it falls down The rice is too heavy to lift and he do
2016-05-19 06:02:40


Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well  There is a frog He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well He thinks the sky is as big as the m
2016-05-18 23:02:40


The Zhao State was taking up arms against the Yan State, and Su Dai (a military strategist during the Warring States period, and little brother to Su
2016-05-18 17:02:40


A man inancienttimes thought he was clever, but he always did foolish things 古時候,有一個以為自己很聰明,但是他總是幹傻事。  One day, he saw abeautifulbell It was at the t
2016-05-18 13:02:40


It’s very hot An old man is asleep on the chair A fly comes and sits on the end of the man’s nose The old man has a naughty monkey He chases the f
2016-05-18 12:02:40


Covering One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell  Mr Wang thinks he is clever, but he always does foolish things   One day he sees a beautiful bell at the t
2016-05-16 18:02:40


兩隻鳥Two Birds  Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is a sparrow Now who can tell us which is which?  老師:這兒有兩隻鳥 一隻是燕子,另一隻是麻雀。誰能分出哪
2016-05-16 13:02:40


A hart was being pursued by some dogs It ran into an ox-stall, and hid itself in a truss of hay Only the tips of its horns could be seen   Soon afte
2016-05-16 01:02:40


Lord Ye’s Love of the Dragon  葉公好龍  There is a young man, Lord Ye He likes dragons vey much He draws many dragons in his house The house becomes a
2016-05-15 15:02:40


小時候的我們,聽信了童話的“花言巧語”:相信世界永遠是真、善、美的,而假、惡、醜的黑暗永遠被光明“灼傷”。隻要學會了“魔法”就可以當上拯救世界的“勇士”;隻要不貪吃女巫的糖果就不會變成雕像、隻要善待他人,就能得到人們的讚揚,得到仙女的庇護、隻要……  可是,我長大後,發現,“社會”,它變了:變得冷酷
2016-05-14 10:02:40


A little bird fly to south for the winter It was very cold, almost frozen bird Hence, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung
2016-05-13 03:02:40


A little bird fly to south for the winter It was very cold, almost frozen bird Hence, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung
2016-05-12 19:02:40


Belling the cat  Long ago, there was a big cat in the house He caught many mice while they were stealing food   One day the mice had a meeting to tal
2016-05-12 09:02:40


Once there was a boy who lived on a farm Every day he had to take his father’s sheep to a hill One day he tried to play a trick on the other people
2016-05-12 03:02:40


2016-05-11 23:02:40


敢於剔鑿掉自己的缺點和不足,不斷割舍生命中多餘的“石屑”——這樣的人生才能凸現生命的質感,鏤刻出別樣的景致。  孔子年輕的時候,很喜歡到他隔壁的鄰居家去。他的鄰居是一位技藝精湛的老石匠,一塊塊岩石經過他的刻鑿,便成了千姿態百態栩栩如生的花鳥石刻。  一天,孔子又踱至鄰家,那個老石匠正叮叮當當為魯國一
2016-05-10 16:02:40


她那張臉是臭的。嘴巴幾乎已經恒久成了一個倒轉的U字形,眼光掃過的地方都是不屑、怨恨、看不順眼的人與事。她和任何人說話的語氣和神情都是不可一世的,像是全世界欠了她什麼似的,看了令人生畏(正確的說法是厭惡),根本不想接近。  你身邊有這樣的同事嗎?相信很多人的身邊都有很多這樣的同事,為公司打拚多年之後,
2016-05-10 15:02:40
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